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EVENT ID 129 The description for Event ID (129) in Source 오류 발생


위와 비슷한 오류가 지속적으로 OS에서 쌓이며 리부팅을 일으킬수도 있습니다.

펌웨어 와 드라이버를 업데이트 하면 해결되지만

그래도 남아있을경우에는 보드교체가 필요합니다. 컨트롤러를 교체 해야겠죠.

These logs entry means that an internal reset has been issued in the device driver, but since the event has
been restored by an OS retry, you can continue with the operation.
However, if this event occurs repeatedly (about twice in every 10 minutes), there is a possibility of
hardware failure. Contact an office listed in the "Contact Information" of "Start Guide" and check the
array controller and hard disk drives.

Source : lsi_sas
Type : Warning
Event ID : 129
Description: The description for Event ID (129) in Source (lsi_sas) cannot
be found.
(The rest is omitted.)

Source : lsi-sas
Type : Error
Event ID : 11
Description: The driver detected a controller error on ¥Device¥RaidPortN
(The rest is omitted.)

위 두가지 오류가 나올수 있습니다.
